Kamis, 24 Januari 2013

Contrast And Compare Essay

*Contrast and Compare Essay

Indonesian Culture VS American Culture

          In the country of the world it must have a culture, but every country has different culture. In Indonesia and America have different cultures.

          Firt is from customs. Indonesian must wear polite clothes which covers all of our body  when we going to a ceremony, party, or wedding party, etc. But in America, we can use some sexy gown  when we're going to the party.

          Second is from habit. Indonesian always eat rice at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Rice is a  staple food in Indonesia, so without rice they don't eat. It's different with America. American just  eat bread like sandwich, burger, etc at breakfast. Then when it is 09.00 a.m. until 10.00 a.m.  they will  have brunch.

Third, actie dys in Indonesia like school or working place are since monday until saturday. When saturday is coming, they are very happy because they will have saturday night. They can free, have a party, hang out with their friends or their family, or they can date with their boyfriend or girlfriend. But the active day in America is monday to friday. So they hve celebrate the friday night. As we know in Katy Perry's song "Last Friday Night", it shows us if she has celebrates the day after she worked in five days.

          In other side, Indonesia and America has comparement. First, equally embraced democracy system of government that all decisions are in the hands of the people. Secondly, Indonesia and America embraced a Republican system. It means all regions are United in a common authority, led by president.

          In a conclusion all of the countries in the world have cultures, but every country has different cultures. For the example in Indonesia and America. They have the different culture. The customs, habit, and activity. However they also have a comparement from government and Republic country.

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